CMY パック
CMY パック
この CMY パックは、減法混色を最高の状態で体験したい場合に最適なパックです。おまけのCMYキューブ付き!
CMY パックには、3 つの異なる明るい色の減法混色キューブが含まれています。単独で、または一緒に使用して、心を驚かせ、友達を驚かせましょう。このパックには、おまけの CMY Cube も付属しています。
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CMY Cubes は、当社のすべての製品とデザインの元のデザイナーおよびメーカーです。
当社の製品は、Offical CMY Cubes Web サイトおよび認定小売業者および販売代理店のネットワークを通じて世界中で入手できます。
当社の品質保証は、CMY Cubes または正規販売店から直接購入した CMY Cubes 製品に対してのみ有効です。
The Original CMY Cubes by CMY Cubesはオフィシャルグッズも販売するAmazon公式ストアです。 Amazonで購入する場合は、 公式のCMY Cubes製品を購入していることを確認するために、販売者の詳細を徹底的に確認してください.
ご質問がある場合、または詳細を知りたい場合は、 FAQをお読みください。

CMY キューブを選ぶ理由
- Reviews
- Questions

Beautiful and unique
Very unique, high quality, mind expanding item.

Wonderfully made!
I received the complete set (C, M, Y, K) and a CMY cube as a gift. They were very nicely packaged. As soon as I opened the boxes, I was impressed with how beautiful they are. Bright and totally playful. I loved the way they blend together and the complementary colors you get are fantastic. How lucky to have the cubes in my hands to explain the basics of color theory. A 100% satisfied customer.

This product is bananas
I ******* love this brand

Just awesome!
As a Lighting Designer, use of colour and appreciation of it is paramount to the core business. Having these fabulous cubes was supposed to be a bit of a ‘office desk toy’ but because they are so good, they have been hijacked for teaching and lecturing purposes for future Designers in the field. Because new kit is saturated colours on LED RGB+A or WW, or Discharge light sources with CMY dichroic filters, understanding of subtractive colour mixing is essential. The cute little caddy bags and the tissue wrapped cubes are a lovely touch further underlining that the product is qualitative and not rubbish. If I am to be hyper critical, the plastic stands do not match the quality of the cubes and perhaps future revisions could consider upgrading them to perhaps something made from the same the cubes are - possibly in the appropriate cube colours too? One thing that I thought of that would be easy to include, would be a suggesting list of how to use the cubes to understand the wavelengths and effects on colours. - probably because I am a Lighting Designer, but it is something that could provide hours of fun in teaching light frequency to the children on a rainy day ! Would I recommend these to others - you bet! I suspect I may be back for more soon anyway! They are somewhat addictive once you loose yourself with them and a light source!

Great Fun and Educational!
Family love to use these cubes for all sorts of things besides magical colour mixing. Decorative paper weights, brighten a room by putting then on the window sill for the sun to shine through etc